Safe Firearm Storage
Cable gunlocks are available to community residents, at no cost, in the Town Clerk’s office.
Cable gunlocks are available to community residents, at no cost, in the Town Clerk’s office.
Community solar is available for all Town residents. There is no upfront cost and no long-term commitment – you can cancel your community solar share at any time with no penalties.
You can now watch the full recording of the webinar by visiting this link or by clicking the button below. Please feel free to share the link with friends and family that may find it helpful.
To learn more or start your subscription process visit or
call Nexamp at 800-945-5124
The Jefferson County Highway Department
will be responsible for the plowing and
maintenance of the following County Roads
in the Town of Champion.
County Route 45
County Route 47
County Route 69
County Route 143
County Route 163
Please call Jefferson County Highway
at 315-786-3610 with concerns.
(Weekend, nights & holidays 315-785-3090)